


March 31, 2024





11/12/2010 #




12/03/2010 #



01/02/2011 #




02/07/2011 #


02/11/2011 #

「L’âge de raison」(电影),当你抵达过去的“未来”时,看到小时候的梦想会怎么办?这是个蛮有意思的故事,些一封信寄给多年以后的moi-même,告诉他你当年都梦想过什么,问问他实现了吗···可惜这件事我没办法做,我无法为自己捏造一个童年的梦想。以前写作文写“我的理想”,我总是写当老师之类的俗套主题,然后在心里默念千万别实现,千万别实现···如果是现在,我会cynical地说理想有什么用,做梦有什么用,你要关注的是现实!



02/27/2011 #







03/18/2011 #






05/28/2011 #

I’m not sure whether this can be called a home, even less, whether we can be called a family. To say that we hate each other is, to some extent, an exaggeration, but to say that we don’t like each other is not.

There are things that no matter how hard I try I just can’t manage to stand. When I can’t stand their ways of doing things, I must say it, in a not-so-pleasant way. But they won’t change their ways, just like I won’t change mine.

Whenever I spend their money and time on those books and tests for studying abroad, knowing that it might all be a waste, I feel like a criminal at large, waiting for justice to clamp down. And I can’t talk to anyone about this either, because the only conclusion they are going to come to is that I’m mad or ungrateful.

It’s not someone else’s fault if I can’t get rid of weird thoughts, so I guess the only thing to do is to try to become normal…

07/21/2011 #


And that was probably all that I could come up with for a personal statement. What the hell…

What else an I supposed to say? “I’m a typical study in paradox”? Come on! They are looking for students with respectable potentials, not test subjects with some kind of mental defect!

So how, on earth (or in hell), am I supposed to make up a half decent personal statement, let alone the damn essays, when I can hardly manage to ge an average score on the SAT writing?

Ok, if you really are going for the truth, here’s my 100% authentic personal statement.

I’m a thinker. However I do not think about stuffs such as how to make yourself sound like the sophisticated thinker whom you are not. As for the things about which I would like to think, how to keep a life is nore of my concern than how to get one.

I’m a dreamer too. However I do not dream those save-the-world dreams or the sweet delusions of teenage girls. I dream only because it’s natural as long as you get your sleep and do not wake up before the REM phase.

Yeah, that’s pretty much it, the abridged version, of course. I mean, who would want to hear about the pathetic story of a wandering mind caught in a spiderweb!


I’ve been filled with an obscure but at the same time intense fear, and an intense but somewhat obscure anger. These are all I can feel in the mess called life. I’m not saying that my life’s a mess, and neither should I, because I haven’t really encountered any major personal adversities. What I don’t like about the story is not the plot, which has been acceptable so far, but the tone with which it’s told.

I mean, look at me, look at my whole family! We’re still breathing and our hearts are still beating, but we’re acting like those ancient Egyptian mummies wrapped in those age-old bandages, and that makes the atmosphere at home comparable to that of a cold, damp pyramid. For god’s sake, I don’t want a pyramid either as a home or as a tomb!

It’s not that I like the overly affectionate behaviors of other families (in fact I hate those things, sweet talks, physical contact etc.). It’s just the enthusiasm for life that I envy them for. I know I’m not an enthusiastic person at all, but still, I would really appreciate a little enthusiasm for life. That’s the problem. Enthusiasm just seems to have wornd off at our place.

08/09/2011 #






看了happy ending会觉得假,觉得恶心,看完电影后甚至会给它编一个主角怎么也得不到lady fortune眷顾的bad ending,自己编故事时也倾向于bad ending。

但是真的不想看到bad ending,不想看好不容易走了那么远却被命运一巴掌拍死的故事···

08/??/2011 #

Am I supposed to be grateful? Just when I was thinking that I didn’t have any dilemma to write about for the damn essays, merciful heaven has just offered me one. But this is not something anyone should write in an application essay. I believe this dilemma belongs to bad topic no.8, “personal woe and plight”.

Yes, I’m now caught in a dilemma.

The first time in my life I have had dreams, and I still have to admit that they are only dreams, nothing more. It’s not that I already have plans for my future or decided what I will be majoring in. I was just thiking, so there is no point for telling me to forget about my decisions, for I haven’t made them yet!

I’ve been realistic for 16 years, event too realistic. I’ve always chosen to “play safe”, to circumvent all risks, to avoid failing and losing. But when it comes to the point where realism is most needed, I’m veering towards idealism. Is that what you think? Well then, I shall tell this is not the case. I’m tired of all those “playing safe”. For once I really want to take the risk to do the things that I like. I know this is not the appropriate time for dreams and whims, but this is really my last and only chance.

No matter how “bleak” the prospect for a certain profession might seem, some people do find their way out, don’t they? So why can’t I be one of those people? Are you supposing that God will only close doors for me while opening windows for everyone else? I’m not Christian anyway; I could open the doors myself.

However this is real life, things don’t come to an end so easily.

The fact is that I must do almost anything to fullfil my responsibilities, including throwing my dreams into the fire and let them burn to ashes, including doing something I hate for a more promising future, including taking a major in computer science (but still not finance)…

Admittedly, I do have doubts that I might not be successful in something that does not appeal to my interests, but I must dismiss them for everything becomes easy when failure is not an option.

Ironically, I haven’t become obsessed with success and money, if you think that’s the reason why I’m doing so. On the contrary, I’ve realized that I don’t really care about having a lot of money or a spacious house, or being able to afford fancy luxury. I admire those living a modest life with a rich mind. This idea appalls me, because the mind I have is mediocre at best and neither is this world a place for people like this. Any attempt of stoicism would only lead to nihilism, at least this would be the case for me.

So I’m going to chase after the “bright future” anyway, for my future is not entirely mine. It might sound hypocritical if I say so, but I really want to give the bese I can to my family. It’s no so much a matter of letting them down, rather than letting my own conscience down. This sense of guilt would always be part of me as long as I don’t make the “bright future” come true.

The only thing I can do is to go down this path and open the door at the end of it, even though it is not where I would like to go, it’s where I sould go.

08/31/2011 #



